Category: Marketing

  • HOW TO: Spruce Up a Boring Resume [INFOGRAPHIC]

    HOW TO: Spruce Up a Boring Resume [INFOGRAPHIC]

    From Colorado Technical University, a quick infographic on sprucing up your resume. As I’ve diversified my skillset recently, I’d put together a number of versions of my personal resume, so this is particularly interesting to me..

  • Infographic: An SEOs Guide to HTTP Status Codes

    Infographic: An SEOs Guide to HTTP Status Codes

    Quick infographic today from SEOmoz – An SEOs Guide to HTTP Status Codes. May sound boring, but configuring your server to give correct status codes can make or break a site’s SEO potential. An SEOs Guide to HTTP Status Codes An Infographic | SEOmoz.

  • Apple’s iAd Gallery App

    Apple’s iAd Gallery App

    Interested in Mobile Ads, specificially Apple’s own iAd platform? Apple just released their very own iAd Gallery app for iPhone. The new app allows users to quickly browse all of the custom developed, HTML5 iAd units that have run on iOS. For digital marketers like me, this app is a huge help for demonstrating ad…

  • Linking Foursquare With… My American Express Card?

    Linking Foursquare With… My American Express Card?

    Yes, it’s true, AMEX is doing a big promo with Foursquare for South by Southwest this year. Sign up and link your amex card with your Foursquare account, and get bonuses. That’s great for now, but is just a small first step in a much larger revolution – connecting our wallets together with our location,…

  • iAd Beating Traditional TV Ads? Well Duh.

    iAd Beating Traditional TV Ads? Well Duh.

    Today, a Nielsen study was reported as showin that Apple’s iAds are beating comparable TV Ad placements. In today’s market, it’s no wonder that ANY interactive ad platform is far outstripping tv ads. Interactive advertising, and now especially mobile interactive advertising is one of the hottest sectors of the ad industry right now. Also, I…

  • Implements HTML Links in Embed Code

    LVMH’s fashion and lifestyle blog Nowness, which I’ve been working with for quite some time, recently made a major step forward with their video implementation. Now, when users click the “share” button on any Nowness post page, they’ll get optimized video embed code which includes both the flash object embed code, as well as two…

  • Web Design for Desktop & Mobile Consolidated Compatibility: Adaptive CSS3

    Web Design for Desktop & Mobile Consolidated Compatibility: Adaptive CSS3

    The fluid grid layout methodology is an emerging method for making websites instantly and optimally accessible from any device, with any size screen. Hopefully, we’ll start to see wider spread usage of these new features in CSS3, so new websites are designed with this kind of functionality in mind.

  • Using Microformats and RDFa with eCommerce

    Using Microformats and RDFa with eCommerce

    This was originally written in response to a question from my team at Morpheus Media. Lately we’ve been discussing on our team the use of Microformats and RDFa. There’s recently been a significant rise in industry attention to these emerging formats – earlier this year Google released its Webmasters Rich Snippets Testing Tool.

  • Google favors mobile optimized sites in their mobile search results

    Google favors mobile optimized sites in their mobile search results

    Recently, a client asked me about Google Mobile Search Results, and how the algorithm works to prioritize results aimed specifically at mobile users. In general, I believe that Google favors mobile optimized sites in their mobile search results. There are a number of usability features, such as location base services, screen real estate, and touch…

  • LVMH’s Is Ranked #1 of 7 Stellar Examples of Branded Content from the Fashion Industry on Mashable

    LVMH’s Is Ranked #1 of 7 Stellar Examples of Branded Content from the Fashion Industry on Mashable

    This week, Macala Wright Lee of popular industry blog ranked LVMH’s Fashion and Art Culture Site site in the top position in their 2010 wrapup of the 7 Stellar Examples of Branded Content from the Fashion Industry. It’s been great working with NOWNESS over the last few months on their SEO and interactive…

  • Bribery Backfires on Cash4Gold’s and Michael Phelps’ Agencies

    Bribery Backfires on Cash4Gold’s and Michael Phelps’ Agencies

    Lately it seems like PR agencies, companies, everyone is realizing the power of social media, good pr, community involvement, and Google. There have been a few instances lately of companies realizing how powerful this “new media” is, but still not understanding the true power of it, and royally screwing up. The most recent, highest profile…

  • KGB Launches

    KGB Launches

    KGB, one of my clients whom I work with at Morpheus Media was recently written up in Media Post. They just launched their new site, which we worked with them to develop and optimize for accessability and SEO.  Threre’s  a fair amount of buzz being generated around it – Check out the new KGB website,…

  • Launching Two New Sites: Panasonic Get Your Groom On and Trading Direct

    Launching Two New Sites: Panasonic Get Your Groom On and Trading Direct

    Two of the websites I’ve been working with developers on for the past few weeks just launched this week – thought I’d post a little blurb about each… The Panasonic Get Your Groom On site is a microsite to promote Panasonic’s new line of razors. I worked with Panasonic directly, as well as their developers…

  • Writing about Google Analytics and Flash on the Morpheus Media Mlog

    Writing about Google Analytics and Flash on the Morpheus Media Mlog

    I recently wrote a short blog post for Morpheus Media’s MLOG blog, outlining the ins and outs of Google’s recent announcement that they were expanding the Google Analytics tracking capabilities into Adobe Flash. Now, website owners can not only track visitor metrics on html pages, but also within embedded flash objects, including user engagement statistics…

  • SEO Moz Advanced Training Seminar Notes Wrapup

    SEO Moz Advanced Training Seminar Notes Wrapup

    A few weeks ago I attended the SEO Moz Advanced SEO Training Seminar in Seattle, Washington. Below are my notes from a few of the talks we had, covering a wide variety of SEO topics. If you’re interested, most of our seminar should be available on DVD.

  • Morpheus Media is Entrepreneur’s #20

    Morpheus Media is Entrepreneur’s #20

    Morpheus Media, where I work on the SEO and Emerging Technologies team, was just listed the number 20 fastest growing small business by Entrepreneur Magazine. This is up from #40 last year. Nice!

  • RSS Day

    RSS Day

    I’m a huge fan of RSS, and preach it to my clients continuously. Additionally, I’m hooked on Google Reader for checking out RSS feeds for all the sites I track – Check out this page of my “shared” headlines, or subscribe to my headlines feed. Like this blog? Subscribe to the Jeffzilla RSS feed, powered…