Introducing the Technology & Camera Creatives Meetup Group

Lytro-Illum-tileIntroducing the Technology & Camera Creatives Group – a meetup group Kevin Owocki and I are co-founding here in Boulder, Colorado. The group was born from an obvious and increasingly present intersection of technology and photography in our everyday lives. We thought it was finally time to have a formal group in Boulder to discuss these intersections, and make the most of it.

The Technology & Camera Creatives Group will meet on a monthly basis in Boulder, Colorado, USA and is open to anybody interesting in learning, teaching, networking, and enjoying the creative and technological fringes of photography, media, and technology.

Our first meetup is this coming Wednesday – details are at Stop by our next event, share what you’ve been working on, and get inspired! This week, I’ll be showcasing a bit of my photography taken in freezing temperatures in Antarctica, as well as will be discussing how lightfield photography works, and showcasing the latest Lytro Illum camera system.