Tenerife Location

Tenerife Location, originally uploaded by jamfan2.

Hard core. Using google earth, i managed to re-create my location and perspective. It was really quite eerie panning around that area with google earth, and then getting to see what was beyond the hill in the background and how everything is situated..

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5 responses to “Tenerife Location”

  1. Mercedes

    Your obsession with “urban terrain” is enchanting. I love when you post pics like this.

  2. Mercedes

    On a hot date eating delicious sea food? Sounds and looks wonderful.

  3. Mercedes

    I like the blonde guy’s dreds on the right. Rad place to watch an awesome game!!!

  4. Mercedes

    A fantastic sight…………………a F A N T A S T I C photo!!!! WOW. Beautiful.

  5. Mercedes

    OH MY GOODNESS THOSE LOOK YUMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I want to eat them!!!!!