
  • The NASA Handheld Universal Lunar Camera (HULC) will be a modded Nikon Z9

    The NASA Handheld Universal Lunar Camera (HULC) will be a modded Nikon Z9

    NASA has partnered with Nikon to create the “Handheld Universal Lunar Camera” (HULC) for moon missions, based on the Nikon Z9. This mirrorless camera, with a possibly updated sensor, will withstand moon’s radiation. It’s a nod to Apollo’s Hasselblad cameras, which captured the groundbreaking lunar imagery of 1969.

  • Go To The Moon With The Apollo Astronauts in Documentary “For All Mankind”

    Go To The Moon With The Apollo Astronauts in Documentary “For All Mankind”

    For All Mankind is a simply stunning documentary covering the Apollo missions to the Moon. Stunning on all fronts. Scored by Brian Eno. Enough said. This movie documents the Apollo missions perhaps the most definitively of any movie under two hours. Al Reinert watched all the footage shot during the missions–over 6,000,000 feet of it,…

  • Eugene Cernan on the Moon – Apollo 17

    Eugene Cernan on the Moon – Apollo 17

    This picture of Apollo 17 Commander Eugene Cernan, covered in lunar dust after walking on the moon is great.  Chilling in a capsule parked on the moon, covered in regolith. Simply awesome. Found via Universe Today Here’s the pic of Cernan on the lunar surface, as posted on Astronomy Picture of the Day 2002-12-12, with…