Just over the hill from US-run McMurdo Station is New Zealand’s Scott Base, part of the New Zealand Antarctic Programme. The base serves as the center of New Zealand’s Antarctic Operations, and is a pleasure to visit. Every Thursday night, Scott Base’s bar, “The Tatty Flag” hosts USAP participants for “American Night”. Shuttles from McMurdo run regularly, and the bar fills up. It’s always a great time, and a fantastic opportunity to meet Kiwi Antarctic scientists and support workers, as well as check out a few of the facilities.
Hiking up to Scott Base after hiking through the ice pressure ridges on the Ross Ice Shelf.Just over the hill from McMurdo Station, Scott Base is New Zealand’s base. It’s quite a bit smaller than McMurdo, but still seems comfortable. All of the buildings are painted the same color green. Every Thursday the base hosts crew from McMurdo in their bar, for “American Night”.Entering the main quad of Scott Base, the main administration building is on the right, and flagpole/placemarker straight ahead. To the left is the Ross Sea and McMurdo Sound.
The traditional Scott Base placemarker, with Kiwi flag flying in the background…
Many of the buildings at Scott Base are connected by enclosed hallways like these – no need to put your jacket on or go outside to walk between buildings!The entrance to the Tatty Flag
Having drinks at The Tatty Flag with old friend Ben Rotter.Inside “The Tatty Flag”, the bar at Scott Base.At Scott Base, they have a credit card reader which does “Visa Paywave” and other contactless payments – including working with Apple Pay. I did this Apple Pay transaction on 2014-12-10, and the guy who worked in the store that season said that he had never seen an Apple Pay transaction in their shop yet – so that makes me believe that this is the very first Antarctic Apple Pay transaction.. cool!At Scott Base, they have a credit card reader which does “Visa Paywave” and other contactless payments – including working with Apple Pay. I did this Apple Pay transaction on 2014-12-10, and the guy who worked in the store that season said that he had never seen an Apple Pay transaction in their shop yet – so that makes me believe that this is the very first Antarctic Apple Pay transaction.. cool!Exiting the main admin building at Scott Base with my nifty Betabrand Space Jacket.