Departing Morpheus Media for the Next Adventure

This week was my last week at Morpheus Media. I worked there for a little over 4 years, and in that time had a great experience helping to build the company from a small startup to an industry leader. I loved working with Morpheus, and consider everyone there a close friend, and I’m looking forward to staying in touch! I’ve decided to move on in my career, and continue to move up – after a short break from the industry, I’m planning on coming back to continue my career in the interactive media field.

During my time at Morpheus, I had the opportunity to work with great clients. A full portfolio of my work with Morpheus is forthcoming, but for now, a few notable clients I worked with include:

  • A&E Television Network
  • Rainbow Media – IFC, Sundance, AMC, WE
  • The New York Times
  • Americana Manhasset
  • KGB Internet
  • Lord & Taylor
  • Ziff Davis Enterprise
  • Diesel
  • Panasonic

This summer, I will continue to work in the industry, although strictly on a freelance basis. I have a few clients lined up, and I’m sure I’ll get a few more for the summer. I have a bunch of big adventures planned for this summer, so working freelance will allow me to be productive while on the go, as long as I have my laptop and an internet connect.

So, what else am I up to this summer? A lot! I have the next three months almost completely booked out, and am working on some options for the fall. No, I don’t hate NYC at all – however I am looking to getting out of there for a little while. Living in NYC is intense, and I’ve needed a significant departure from the city for a while. Here’s a bit of what I have lined up for this summer:

  • Road tripping in my car out from Cincinnati, Ohio to Boulder, Colorado
  • Getting my Wilderness First Responder certification by taking a class with the NOLS Wilderness Medicine Institute in Boulder, CO
  • Climbing and biking and catching up with old friends in the Boulder/Denver area
  • Running the Bolder Boulder 10K Memorial Day road race (and not dying running at altitude, after training at sea level here in NYC)
  • Road tripping down to Telluride, CO
  • Mountain biking and partying in Telluride for Chris’ bachelor party
  • Enjoying the Telluride Bluegrass Festival with Sean and Rhonda
  • Attending the PEX Summer Festival in Pennsylvania
  • Running a NYRR 10K race
  • Hanging out with V.Lo in San Diego
  • Racing in my first sailing regatta
  • Getting my ASA 101, 103, 104 sailing certifications from the Seaforth Sailing Club
  • Running the Queens Half Marathon
  • Overnight sail to Catalina Island
  • Sailing with the good ole crew in St. Martin, Carribbean
  • And after all of that, very hopefully, this fall I’ll be deploying to Antarctica, working for the United States Antarctic Program
  • Yes, I have plans farther out, but they’re not solidified enough to go into too much detail yet. It’s probably enough to say that I’ll likely have platinum status on at least one airline by the time I’m done. Additionally, throughout all of this, I’ll continue to work with freelance clients consulting on interactive media and emerging technologies strategy and optimization, which is more in demand now than ever before. Cheers!

Yes, I’ll be traveling a lot in the next few months, but you can still keep up with me – by subscribing.. here you go:

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11 responses to “Departing Morpheus Media for the Next Adventure”

  1. Good luck brotha!!!! Great plans!!!!!

  2. Sean

    Jeffe — Good luck! Looking forward to sailing with you this summer and hanging out in Telluride! Perhaps your summer plans should include climbing a 14er or 2?


    1. Definitely! Let’s plan on doing Sunshine, Handies, or Mt. Wilson this summer in Telluride!

  3. Alice Bugman

    Antarctica! My friend, Alejandro, did two seasons down there and overwintered as well. You should connect with him. He knows people who are probably still down there. I’m jealous, but I hate the cold so not that much. Have a great time and keep in touch. I hope to see back in NYC sometime after your grand adventures!

    1. I’d love to talk to Alejandro about it! Could you introduce us via email? Hope to see ya soon too!

  4. Jano (Alejandro Rubio)

    Hey, good luck with the next adventure! I did pretty much the same thing. Was working two years at Digitas in NYC. Then went down to McMurdo Station in Antarctica on and off for a few years. Was actually thinking about going back this October (their summer season) or the next. Let me know if you wanna know anything. What station are you hoping for?

    1. Yep, that’s exactly my situation too. I’m hoping to be at McMurdo, working with the FSTP. I currently have an alt contract with BFC, hoping for a primary soon, either with FSTP or BFC. Also applied for GA.

  5. Justin Weag

    Photo credit: Justin Weag :) I’ll let you know when we are all going out. Or we can book some time. Great summer plans!

    1. Sounds good!

  6. Shana Deane

    what a wonderful exciting inspiring journey.
    big hug!