microsoft tag

  • Microsoft, Thanks For Finally Getting Onboard with QR Codes

    Microsoft, Thanks For Finally Getting Onboard with QR Codes

    Microsoft, thank you thank you for getting with the program here and supporting internationally standardized QR codes in with your proprietary tags. QR codes are just beginning to take hold here in the United States, and at the same time are being made obsolete by technologies like NFC, and location based payments like Square Wallet.…

  • Is QR The Way, Or Should Other High Res Barcode Standards Be Considered?

    Is QR The Way, Or Should Other High Res Barcode Standards Be Considered?

    As consumers have begun to embrace smartphones with integrated cameras, and the idea of mobile barcode scanning has hit the mainstream, there are many emerging “high resolution” barcodes flooding the market. Among these are QR Codes, Microsoft Tags, Jag Tags, and a multitude of other codes. With any barcode, there are definitely going to be…