Tag: ipv6

  • Finally, The World IPv6 Launch

    Finally, The World IPv6 Launch

    Finally, internet providers, hardware manufacturers, and websites have teamed up to re-launch IPV6. The thinking is that by playing up the “launch” of this existing technology, companies will finally get on the bandwagon and officially, permanently support IPV6. Let’s hope for the best. I’ve been on IPV6 for a number of years.

    Major Internet service providers (ISPs), home networking equipment manufacturers, and web companies around the world are coming together to permanently enable IPv6 for their products and services by 6 June 2012.

    Organized by the Internet Society, and building on the successful one-day World IPv6 Day event held on 8 June 2011, World IPv6 Launch represents a major milestone in the global deployment of IPv6. As the successor to the current Internet Protocol, IPv4, IPv6 is critical to the Internet’s continued growth as a platform for innovation and economic development.

    World IPv6 Launch.

    Google’s Explanation:

    The problem is that the current Internet addressing system, IPv4, only has room for about 4 billion addresses — not nearly enough for the world’s people, let alone the devices that are online today and those that will be in the future: computers, phones, TVs, watches, fridges, cars, and so on. More than 4 billion devices already share addresses. As IPv4 runs out of free addresses, everyone will need to share.

    From PC World, What to Expect for IPv6 Launch Day

    What is happenning on June 6?
    ISPs including AT&T, Comcast, Time Warner Cable, Free Tellecom, KDDI (Japan), Free Telecom (France), Internode, and XS4ALL (Netherlands) will turn on IPv6, and more importantly, leave it on, so that their customers who have already made the switch will have native access. Native access means they won’t have to rely on tunnel services from other companies to wrap their IPv6 traffic with IPv4 to access the Internet. The number will be small, maybe as low as 1 percent, but it is expected to grow rapidly.