Tag: hack ios6 passbook

  • How To Generate Your Own Apple iOS 6 Passbook Passes

    How To Generate Your Own Apple iOS 6 Passbook Passes

    With Apple’s iOS6 launching today, there are a ton of new features people are exploring. One of my favorite new apps on iOS 6 is Passbook. Although Apple didn’t incorporate NFC capability into the new iPhone 5, I really don’t think it matters too much just now – thanks to Passbook.

    Passbook lets users manage their frequent flyer cards, club card, store cards, and I’m sure their credit cards and metro cards soon enough. Cards are communicated to merchants via scannable barcode – 1d or 2d which is displayed on the phone’s screen.

    To generate Passbook passes, it’s a relatively straightforward process. While most people will experience Passes in Passbook pushed from apps and sent in emails from airlines and the like, It’s actually possible to generate your own passes, using the new .pkpass mime type. Simply create a zip files with a few specific documents in it, and reference it with the new .pkpass mime type in a webpage or email, and boom, you’ve got a Passbook Pass!

    Here’s the files, as reported on GeeksWithBlogs.net:

    Passbook Pass Zip File Requirements

    Too much to handle on your own? No problem, there’s naturally a generator for it. Head on over to iPass.PK and start whipping them up on your own.

    Like this blog post? SHARE it with your friends via Passbook! Just load up this blog post’s Passbook Pass, and show it to a friend with a QR Code reader app.