Tag: destination alpha

  • Destination Alpha

    Destination Alpha is where you want to be. It’s our code name for what’s basically the front door of the station. A few pics of this grand entrance to our frozen outpost at the south pole:

    If you’re flying into Pole for the first time, after getting off the plane, you’ll walk a short distance from the skiway over to the side of the station, and Destination Alpha. Here’s the view, complete with sundog.
    2012-12-02 Destination Alpha

    Steps going up, with views out to the skiway. Destination alpha is 3 stories tall, with the middle level being the entrance. The top level is the deck, and can only be accessed from inside the station.
    2012-12-02 Destination Alpha
    2012-12-02 Destination Alpha

    A few views walking into the station. The two double doors on the left are the main entrance doors, which you would have just walked through. Also pictured is the big lounge and coat room.
    2012-12-02 Destination Alpha

    Opposite view, entrance to the music room, gymnasium, and stairs up to the second level.
    2012-12-02 Destination Alpha

    Looking down the 1st floor hallway – display cases on the right housing the south pole markers from years past.
    2012-12-02 Destination Alpha
    2012-12-02 Destination Alpha
    2012-12-02 Destination Alpha
    2012-12-02 Destination Alpha

    And finally on display in the main entrance, a DOM from the Ice Cube Neutrino Telescope.
    2012-12-02 Destination Alpha
    2012-12-02 Destination Alpha
    2012-12-02 Destination Alpha

    Our deck, at the top of Destination Alpha. Quite a nice view! Notice the compass rose at the top of the flagpole.. all north!