Unitek EMT-B Training Group Info

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  • Photos
  • Power Point decks download link
  • Exam prep questions
  • Links discussed in class
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Contact Sheet

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Lecture Power Point Slides

At Unitek College

Midterm Study Guide

Assembled by the Shit Happens Ambulance Crew

At Chase Suite Hotel Newark

Mid-Term Study Guide
  1. Platelets
    1. Part of blood that are responsible for clotting.
  • Systolic BP
    1. Top number. Pumping pressure of left ventricle.
  • Diastolic BP
    1. Resting pressure of circulatory system
  • Lymphatic
    1. Works with immune system to get rid of viruses.
  • Perfusion
    1. Circulation of blood within organ or tissue to supply with needs. (oxygen, remove carbon dioxide, getting enough blood to live)
  • Abandonment
    1. Assuming care and leaving without proper handoff to equal or higher care.
  • Airway Obstruction
    1. Obstruction in airway such as tongue liquid
  • Contraindication
    1. A reason not to administer something
  • Agonal Respiration
    1. Gasping sounds dead people make. On edge of death.
  • Normal Blood flow through the heart
    1. Left ventricle pumped to body oxygen, returned to right atrium as deoxygenated, down to right ventricle, out to lungs, back to left atrium, another valve to left ventricle. Repeat.
  • Cyanosis
    1. Skin blue, lack of oxygen in tissue.
  • Myocardial infarction
    1. Heart attack. MI. Blood Clot in heart. Blockage of coronary arteries that prevents oxygenated blood that reaches myocardium.
  • Process of ventilation
    1. Exchange of air between the lungs and environment spontaneously or with assistance from EMT.
  • What to do when you receive order from medical direction?
    1. Provide vitals, repeat back info, and follow directions if in scope of practice.
  • Upper airway obstruction
    1. Tongue, choking, food, vomit, epiglottis, nose mouth trachea.
  • Why give report in radio and in person.
    1. Over radio to give advance info to prepare. In person more detailed to hand off patient.
  • Where are oxygen and carbon dioxide exchanged?
    1. In the alveoli
  • What is area behind mouth called?
    1. Oropharynx
  • Adema?
    1. Collection of liquid in the lungs, presence of abnormally amounts of fluid between cells and body tissue causing swelling.
  • Implied consent
    1. Consent through body language or, if minors, or if unconscious or diminished mental capacity.
  • What does pancreas do?
    1. Creates insulin for regulation of sugar in blood.
  • Positions of organs
    1. See page 180 Large intestine and small are on all four quadrants.

    Upper left quadrant

i. Stomach ii. Pancreas iii. Spleen iv. Left kidney

  1. Upper right quadrant

i. Liver ii. Gall blatter iii. Right kidney iv. Part of pancreas

  1. Lower Right Quadrant

i. appendix

  1. Organ that regulates body temp
    1. Skin
  • Difference between cardiac and skeletal muscle
    1. Skeletal muscle is voluntary, cardiac is involuntary
  • Normal range of vitals in adults
    1. Pulse – 60-100

    BP: 120/80 up to 140/90.

  • Breaths: 12-20


  • Where blood supply to heart and lungs come from
    1. Pulmonary artery and pulmonary vein.
  • Know skills for OPA/NPA
    1. OPA is for unconscious without gag reflex.
  • NPA is for if OPA cannot be used. Do not use if facial trauma.
  • How to use NRB
    1. Non-rebreather mask at 15lpm, press on one-way valve to inflate bag.
  • Know what is a Epinephrine pen
    1. Must call medical control prior. Used for allergic reaction. Lasts about 20 minutes. Epinephrine auto injector. Causes rise in heart rate. Careful with cardiac arrest. Hold for 15 seconds.
  • What are standing orders
    1. Protocols written by medical director.
  • DNR
    1. Do not resuscitate. Must be signed by doctor and patient and carried with patient at time of incident.
  • Lung sounds
    1. Crackle: thin fluid in lungs. Congestive heart failure, drowning, internal bleeding, and aspiration.
  • Wheezing: construction of airway from swelling, such as burns, asthma, and allergic reactions, ie anaphylaxis.
  • Strider: High pitched noise. Indication of mild upper airway obstruction.
  • Ronchi: thick liquid in lungs, sounds like pudding bubbles, bronchitis, enphazema, pneumonia (dead spots).
  • How to open an airway
    1. Head tilt chin lift, jaw thrust, suction, Log roll for vomit or liquid. OPA.
  • Difference between Signs and symptoms
    1. Signs are visible through body
  • Symptoms are something they are feeling or effects of illness.
  • Protocols are?
    1. Scope of work as defined by the medical director.
  • Emergent move
    1. Bypass of proper step such as backboard due to high risk if time will kill him.
  • Asthma?
    1. Constriction of the bronchial.

    i. Wheezing, bronchial spasm, increased respiratory rate

  1. CPR for infant
    1. 1 person 30/2 2 fingers, 2 person is 15/2 with 2 thumbs,
  • Order of operations like NREMT questions
    1. BSI Scene Safe

    Nature of Illness/mechanism of injury

How many patients and help needed

  • Consider C-Spine
  • General Impression


Chief complain

ABC Skin and Transport


Secondary Assessment – revisit problem area

Get new vitals

  • Field impression
  • Call medical control for interventions
  • Know anatomical directions of things
    1. Prone – face down

    Supine – face up

  • Fowlers – upright at 45 degrees
  • High fowlers – upright at 90 degrees
  • Shock – laying down with legs elevated
  • Recovery – laying on left side with left arm up, right leg over left like kickstand.
    1. Superior: up

    Inferior: lower

  • Distal: away from midline
  • Proximal: closer to midline
  • Anterior: in front of you

Posterior: behind you

Superficial: outside

  • Medial: closer to center
  • Lateral: further out from center
  • Know bones of spine and order
    1. Cervical -7, Thoracic – 12, Lumbar – 5, Sacral – 5, Coccyx – 1.


At Unitek College

Links Discussed In Class



Final Exam Review

  • Partial Thickness Burns – know how to treat
    • More than 10% treat with dry gauze, less than 10% wet gauze
  • Question 6 – A
  • Describe Dypsnea
    • Shortness of breath and difficulty breathing
  • Know how to manage a breach presentation of a baby
    • Transport to hospital, O2, head down, ass up
  • Know what a Silent Heart Attack is a heart attack with no symptoms.
  • Patient w/o a history of seizure experiences a sudden convulsion. Cause is: A, Epilepsy
  • Whatoe worm ds oral glucose come in? Gel
  • Nitro – Spray
  • Activated Charcoal – Suspension
  • First month of life after birth is called: Neonate
  • Know what to do if the baby popped out and the amniotic sac was still intact. Pop that bitch.
  • How many lobes are found within the lungs?
    • The right side of the lung has three lobes. The left side contains two, due to space restrictions concerning the heart’s location on that side.
  • sights of pulmonary blast injury include: Coughing up blood
  • definition of hypoxia
    • low oxygen
  • effects of tylenol overdose
    • liver failure
  • How are burns classified
    • A – Depth and extent
  • Angina
    • Acute chest pain due to ischimia
  • Viruses carried by a vector
    • West Nile
  • Organs are hollow
    • Gall Bladder
    • Stomach
    • Bladder
  • Umbilical Cord veins and arteries
  • Leaf shaped flap of tissue
    • Epiglottis
  • Urticardia
    • Hives
  • Official hypothermic temperature
    • Below 96 degrees
  • Question 70
    • D
  • three or four nitroglycerine questions
  • Know how a dialysis patient feels if they miss a treatment
    • Weakness and pulmonary edema
  • Pneumothorax questions
  • Question 95
    • A
  • Know how insulin functions in the body
    • Allows glucose to enter cells
  • know how long after you give epipen you see signs and symptoms get better
  • What does bone marrow produce?
    • Red blood cells
  • Diabetes Type 1 – Insulin Dependent
  • Cincinnati Stroke Scale
  • Medical word for bruise
    • Contusion
  • O2 and CO2 pass across alveoli in process called diffusion
  • Anaphalaxis
    • Hives
    • Respatory Distress
    • Drop in BP


One response to “Unitek EMT-B Training Group Info”

  1. […] Once I left Fueled and had my whole summer free, my first order of business was to once again add cred to my resume. Given that I had completed my Wilderness First Responder training the previous summer, the next logical certification for me was full on Emergency Medical Technician training. EMT Training is not to be taken lightly, and is usually done as a 6 month long course. However, I didn’t have six months. I only had the summer, and I really wanted to have the training wrapped up asap. I was applying to the new Summer 2012 jobs in March, and needed to be enrolled in a course before then, so I could put the cred on my resume. Searching for accelerated EMT courses was a huge pain, and it seemed like there were none that fit my criteria of location, timing, and level of training. So, I did the logical thing, and hired a Task Rabbit to help me research. Work with my Task Rabbit went very very well, and she found me the excellent program run by Josh Green and Eric O’neal at Unitek Education in Freemont, California. It was two weeks long, consisting of 14 14-hour days of constant training. Total dedication and focus for two weeks. The Unitek course was great as expected, and I completed my National Registry Emergency Medical Technician training at the end of July, 2012. Combined with my WFR Certification, that gives me Wilderness Emergency Medical Technician status, certified ty NOLS-WMI and National Registry. Here’s my Unitek EMT course writeup. […]