No unlimited storage on MP3Tunes?

I’m the proud owner of a Slim Devices Squeezebox. It’s a nifty networked audio streamer, which connects to my stereo, and can play music from almost anywhere – off my computer with iTunes integration, internet radio, Pandora, Real Rhapsody, Live365, RadioIO, and MP3Tunes. The local music playing and internet radio are free services. Local music is served via a server running on my computer, which works very well. The other services, however are paid services. I use my Pandora on the Squeezebox and it works great – all of my pandora stations on my Squeezebox.

The latest service I just tried is MP3Tunes – this service lets you upload all of your music to their online service, and then be able to listen to your own music from anywhere with web access – or any compatible device that uses their open API.  Problem is, the SqueezeCenter advertises “unlimited online storage”, but when I went to sign up, it’s giving me 25gb of space, with the maximum, expensive upgrade being only 200gb. With cheap online storage services like Amazon’s S3 storage cloud, and unlimited, cheap online backup services like Carbonite, MP3 tunes should be able to offer an truly unlimited storage option.  I felt a little deceived when I was told unlimited storage but only given 25gb, so I wrote a letter to support asking about it. Here’s the letter, let’s see what happens.

MP3Tunes Support – I just signed up for an mp3 tunes account to use with my squeezebox. The squeeze network dialogue box advertised unlimited storage for my music, which sounds great. However, when I signed up for my account, the maximum storage i could find was 200gb, which was extremely expensive too, especially considering how cheap online storage is nowadays – even cloud storage. I have over 500gb of music, and growing every day. Is there any way for me to get an unlimited account, as advertised? That’s the only way I can see any use for mp3 tunes. If I’m going to go through the trouble of uploading music to the web, I don’t want to be forced to pick and choose. I save that for picking music to sync to my iPod nano. Thanks for your support! -Jeffrey